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Aug 13th: Vibrant Protest Follows Previous Week's Arrests

"Saturday Night Live"  Aug. 17, Wayne Garcia, Weekly Planet (read)

This past Saturday's rally at Baywalk had an outstanding attendance of about 200 activists and concerned citizens who affirmed their support for free speech and who displayed unprecedented energy during the demonstration.  Drummers (Kritikal Resistance), singers, and dancers created a festive atmosphere while other demonstrators chanted, held banners and handed out fliers.

There were no arrests and no tickets were issued to protesters.  However, we have had reports of members of the media being asked to leave Baywalk property.

We’d like to thank everyone who showed up on Saturday night to stand with us and to affirm their 1st Amendment rights.  We offer special thanks to those who made the trip from neighboring cities and counties to strengthen our community effort. 
Aug. 6th
Six Arrested At Baywalk

Aug. 9th
Press Conference

 "Reclaiming the public sidewalk at Baywalk!" by Carol Schiffler
We have been receiving strong support from a diversity of people in our community who reflect many backgrounds and views and who understand that when another human being’s rights are threatened their rights are in danger, too.  Progressive, social justice, gay and lesbian, and even conservative groups have all joined us in demanding free speech rights for all in all public spaces.

We want to maintain this level of energy and your presence will make a vital difference.  Tampa Bay activists and individuals have been coming together in response to this issue, and many others, and we hope this cooperation will foster continuing discussion and growing solidarity in our community.

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Photos courtesy of Bob Van Wyk and John Trauger

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