The American media tends to deemphasize, or not report at all,
incidents that make Israel look bad. Rarely do they even use the
word "occupation" even though former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, among
others applied the correct label: "You cannot like the word, but what
is happening is an occupation -- to hold 3.5 million Palestinians under
occupation. I believe that is a terrible thing for Israel and for the
Palestinians" (read). And in January 2008, even
George W. Bush acknowledged the occupation: "There should be an end to
the occupation that began in 1967" (read)
And even though
the UN passed resolution 242 which called for Israel to withdraw from
the West Bank, Gaza and other areas, Israel's occupation of Palestinian
territory has continued for 40 years (read) with U.S. media complicity.
Other examples:
- Israel
ranks 119 out of 121 countries on the recently released Peace Index
that evaluates 121 nations based on their peacefulness (May 07)
- Israeli Soldiers kidnapped 69 Hebron Residents in May (May 07)
- The
Bush administration was informed in advance and gave the "green light"
to Israel's military strikes against Hizbollah in Lebanon (Aug 06)
- Israeli commander says his own actions in the bombing of Lebanon were insane and monstrous (Sep 06)
- The
Bush administration said that there should be a "hard coup" to
overthrow the democratically elected Hamas-led Palestinian government
(May 07)
- Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Avigdor Lieberman said he wants Hamas leaders killed (Nov 06)
- Israel holds more than 9,000 Palestinian prisoners (Jul 06)
- Israel's leading TV anchor: "Since 1967, we have been brutal conquerors, occupiers, suppressing another people (May 05)
- UN report compares Israel's actions to Apartheid South Africa (Feb 07),2933,253906,00.html
- US
joining with Britain, Israel, and other 'moderate Sunni governments'
(Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt) to fight the Shia (Hizbollah,
Hamas, Iran, and Shia in Iraq) (May 07)
- In 1967, the UN passed resolution 242 which called for Israel to withdraw from West Bank, Gaza and other areas.